Yes, Microsoft bundles them all together in a take-one-get-them-all (whether you want them all or not) package. Microsoft distributes ADO in the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) package, a 6.35MB executable (mdac_typ.exe) that includes ADO, ODBC, and OLE DB drivers and providers. As a result, setting your reference to the ADOR library is pointless.

It turned out to be more trouble than it was worth so with ADO 2.0, the two libraries became one. Initially, ADOR was intended to serve as a "lightweight" version of ADO-not requiring the complete install, and thus supporting a smaller footprint, less RAM, and faster download times. While some of these changes were minor, some were not, and Visual Basic (Visual Studio) has not kept up very well.īefore ADO 2.0, there was the Microsoft ActiveX Recordset Library (ADOR). Visual Basic 6.0 shipped with an early version of ADO 2.0, and then ADO changed when SQL Server 7.0 shipped, when Internet Explorer 5.0 shipped, and when Office 2000 shipped, and it was updated at least twice thereafter. Since Visual Basic 6.0 shipped in the summer of '98, ADO has transmogrified several times-and yes, into some bizarre forms. To better understand the myriad of choices, let's take a brief trip through ADO's history. When we do have a choice, we also have to worry about future versions changing (breaking) the software we've deployed. In some cases we don't have a choice-we have to use what the customer has installed or insists on using. Because there are so many versions and because they can work very differently, we often struggle with which version we should use. One of the challenges we all face is determining which version of ADO is the "right" version. If you don't know what ADO is, what its object model looks like, or how the objects relate to one another, see the "ADO Fundamentals" appendix at the back of the book. I'll assume you know what you're doing in most respects, so I'll leave out some of the basic step-by-step stuff you'll find in the "Idiots" books.

This first chapter walks you through some of the fundamentals-the stuff you must have in place to use ADO at all. I hope you're reading it for suggestions on how to write efficient ADO data access applications and how to write them efficiently. YOU'RE NOT READING THIS BOOK FOR the jokes-at least, I hope not.